rREST | Suddenly, everything becomes clear

Your mind isn’t your Enemy.

It’s a sophisticated supercomputer that picked up some unwanted malware – your negative thoughts and emotions, also known as stress.

You can Reprogram it.

Harness your emotions the right way with rREST – the key to self-mastery and unlocking your true potential.

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According to The American Institute of Stress, 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, causing 1M+ workers to miss work every day.



In the Stress in America Survey, 75% of people report gaining weight when they experience at least one stress symptom.



The American Psychological Association reports 68% of people said stress causes them to feel sluggish, lazy, and rate sleep quality as fair or poor.

What is rREST?


A post-test survey of rREST Clients found a 30% reduction in perceived stress levels after participating in rREST Sessions.

Email hello@rrest.com if you have questions and/or want the full study PDF.


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clearest, life today.


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helping others clear the barriers blocking them from
a life filled with clarity.

Your malware shapes your perception.

Your mental operating system harbors deceptive code from pivotal childhood moments that act as persistent malware. These experiences, whether acknowledged or not, stealthily operate in the recesses of your subconscious, manipulating your emotional responses and shaping your adult perspectives in the present day.

The consequence? Your mind unwittingly resorts to primitive coping mechanisms acquired during childhood to tackle complex adult challenges. This maladaptive approach not only magnifies stress but also perpetuates destructive habits that hinder personal growth.

Without the crucial process of rewiring these triggers, remnants of your early programming persist, making it near impossible to seize control of your future. You remain trapped in a repetitive cycle of distressing and unwanted outcomes when confronted with life’s adversities, much like a system infected with persistent and damaging malware.

This is where rREST comes in…


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"I have never had a more transformative experience in such a short period of time thanks to rREST and my rREST coach. Every issue I brought to our sessions has been completely eradicated."
Brittany Cotton

“I have done it all: ontological coaching, hypnotherapy, talk therapy, plant medicines, CBT, the list goes on and on, and I have never had a more transformative experience in such a short period of time thanks to rREST and my rREST coach. Every issue I brought to our sessions has been completely eradicated."
Brittany Cotton

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“I struggled to break through cycles of shame and self-doubt and find forgiveness. Then I found the easy button, and that was rREST!”
Charity Joy

“I struggled to break through cycles of shame and self-doubt and find forgiveness. Then I found the easy button, and that was rREST!”
Charity Joy

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“I started working with a rREST coach and now instead of being in the dark, I’ve stepped into the light. rREST saved. my. life.”
Tink Kitaura

“It can be something physical, chemical, or emotional that triggers nervous system. That was a big "AHA" moment for me. I've worked with structural and biochemical modalities for 20 years, the emotional part was the missing link for me."
Dr. Jeffrey Clark

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“If you feel like you can’t shake that feeling of overwhelm I recommend you work with a rREST coach. Because you really can have all of the connection and joy you desire.”
Danielle Y

“If you feel like you can’t shake that feeling of overwhelm I recommend you work with a rREST coach. Because you really can have all of the connection and joy you desire.”
Danielle Y

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“I started working with a rREST coach and now instead of being in the dark, I’ve stepped into the light. rREST saved. my. life.”
Tink Kitaura

“I started working with a rREST coach and now instead of being in the dark, I’ve stepped into the light. rREST saved. my. life.”
Tink Kitaura

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Unlocking Your Potential

In this engaging Mini Course you will find resources that will help you determine your personal blind spots and unlock a clear path to start removing them at the source. 
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