The Impact of Chronic Stress
Everyone faces stress in response to experiences seen as dangerous or life-threatening. When a person is stressed, their body responds by producing physical and mental reactions that can save their life in the short-term and be detrimental to their health in the long-term. We also perceive danger from various sources such as lack of money, health issues, work, relationships, and others. In small doses, stress can be positive as it gives you the motivation to adapt to new situations, alerts you to danger, and sparks motivation. But, being stressed-out all the time can be a real danger to your health. Although stress is not a disease, you risk facing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression when you experience it consistently and if it’s left unresolved.
With so many causes of stress, it can be overwhelming for any single individual to resolve them all completely. That is why stress is such a big problem facing many people currently. Preventing and managing chronic stress can reduce the risk of severe conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. That is why it is recommended that you seek help from experts such as rREST. We have highly trained Certified Coaches who use simple methods to help you resolve your stress in just a few sessions.
How the latest science-based methods help alleviate your stress
When our memories get embedded with negative emotions, it can be unhealthy. During childhood, we all have emotionally difficult experiences that create a certain reaction pattern. As we age, these reaction patterns tend to repeat themselves and we learn to apply the same strategies we used as children to handle difficult situations as adults. This pattern is at the core of what a rREST session targets. rREST helps clients identify a stressful memory from childhood and process it – allowing you to find a new way to react to stressful situations as an adult and be free from the reaction patterns you learned as a child.
When should I seek help for stress?
Stress can be benign, but if it persists, it can make you feel unhappy and exhausted, affecting your quality of life. It can lead to further health problems such as diabetes, depression, or digestive issues if not managed. If self-help techniques fail to help, you might want to start seeking support from experienced professionals as soon as your stress begins to affect your daily routine. Sometimes, it’s not always easy to tell when you are at your breaking point. Stress symptoms can be both physical, mental, and behavioral; seek help if you are facing the following signs and symptoms:
- Feeling tired, anxious, and depressed
- Sleep interference – sleeping more or less than usual
- General body pains such as in the shoulders or back
- Gastrointestinal issues such as constipation and diarrhea
- Sexual problems
- Relying on alcohol or other drugs to relieve yourself from stress.
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Being more emotional than usual
- Difficulty decision-making such as problem-solving, getting your work done, or concentrating.
- Difficulty remembering things
- Headaches
- Losing or gaining weight
- Change in eating habits
- Heaviness in your chest
- Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.
- Feeling tired, anxious, and depressed
- Sleep interference – sleeping more or less than usual
- General body pains such as in the shoulders or back
- Gastrointestinal issues such as constipation and diarrhea
- Sexual problems
- Relying on alcohol or other drugs to relieve yourself from stress.
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Being more emotional than usual
- Difficulty decision-making such as problem-solving, getting your work done, or concentrating.
- Difficulty remembering things
- Headaches
- Losing or gaining weight
- Change in eating habits
- Heaviness in your chest
- Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.
What are the effective techniques for solving stress?
Those thoughts you get stuck on and the bad habits you can’t seem to abandon cause stress. When the things we are afraid to let go of accumulate, they can cause problems. However, these steps can help you deal with stress:
Being aware of it
Note that you can choose what you think about. If you become aware of your thoughts, they will stop being so persuasive. Surround yourself with people who manage their stress well and ensure it’s your priority too. One of the effective ways to deal with stress is to clear your mind; we created this meditation based on an ancient Hawaiian Healing Technique, give it a shot. It will clear out your stress in a few short minutes. This might make it easier for you to perform daily tasks in life with a more positive mindset.
Avoid Stress
When it comes to avoiding stress, we suggest preventing the overload of stressful situations or information by thoughtfully choosing the situations you expose yourself to. The news and scary movies add to your stress load. Avoid them, because you can. Filter what you allow into your life. You can find interesting television programs or read books and blogs that arouse your fancy. You should assess every piece of information you consume and question its relevance to your goals. Don’t mind if it doesn’t relate to an important purpose. A big reason why people fail to deal with stress is that they initially allowed too much junk to accumulate.
Remove Unnecessary Junk From Your Life
One of the primary factors in your productivity is how much time you spend thinking. The more time you spend worrying about unimportant things, the less time you will spend on what’s important. It would help if you focused on what’s truly important. This doesn’t mean you should focus all your thoughts on one thing, identify one or two ideas that can save you time, and focus on the important task. This way, you will be able to achieve a lot quickly.
Activities such as meditation, spending time in nature, and attending religious functions can help ease stress. Furthermore, it might work better when you combine these techniques; it’s good to find out what works for you. Ensure that whatever you choose, you have friends and family members who are ready to offer support.
How rREST Effectively Helps Deal with Stress
Whether you’re a client of rREST or not, rREST wants to teach everyone effective ways to help deal with stress; that’s why we host an online event called “Beyond Meditation.” While we are big believers in the benefits of meditation, we know that consistency is hard and quite often difficult to do in the moment of a stressful situation. That’s why we teach you some tools to use to change your physical state….even under the most desperate circumstances. You’ll also learn that while everyone else is telling you to get your mindset right, we’re telling you that it’s your “heartset” that really matters – your heart often rules the brain in ways you might not expect. You can learn more about this idea and other helpful tips during our “Beyond Meditation” event.
We know that there are many different ways people deal with stress, which is exactly why we offer our “7 Stress Reduction Secrets of High Performers handbook.” This is to help to ensure that we give you effective and lasting solutions that help you deal with your emotional stress and trauma.
It’s important to understand that your triggered reactions could cause you health problems. Stress can be overwhelming and make you react like a child and not an adult. Therefore, you can get the results you have been yearning for when you implement the right techniques. If you don’t start dealing with stress in your body, then deep healing really isn’t happening.
How Do I Start?
To get started, book a session with a Certified rREST Coach. Your coach will work with you to learn about your situation and any underlying issue that may be causing the stress. rREST aims to identify the root cause of your problem and create change.
If you’re not sure where to start, book a 20 minute complimentary consultation call. The call is a confidential and friendly conversation with a trained professional. The advantage is that you don’t need to commit yourself to any form of payment, you’re simply investing 20 minutes of your time to determine your next steps. Our coaches are ready to assist you if you seek relief from stress or are on a path toward self-discovery. They will develop a mutual understanding and assist you in navigating the path in your growth journey.
Why Should I Use rREST?
Most people carry stress caused by past issues, which makes their lives difficult. This emotional stress can show up in several ways, such as; being angry all the time, eating habits changing, or being unhappy for no apparent reason. Clients who prioritized their mental wellness with Certified rREST Coaches have shared lasting changes for the better. If you’d like to read some testimonials click here.
Am I the Right Candidate for rREST?
If you are ready to deal with your life issues, if you are tired of facing the same problems over and over again, or want a different way to deal with stress, anxiety, and other issues then you are the right candidate for rREST. It is normal for human beings to experience stress in life due to environmental demands. The issue comes when the natural, normal response is ineffective or inappropriate, this is where it affects your mental and physical health. You may feel ill, unwell, and emotionally or physically drained. If any of this applies to you, you are the right candidate for rREST.
When you learn how to change your state, realize the power of your body, and the magic in your heart, you will have immense power over your future.
Join us as we continue on our journey towards Rethinking Mental Wellness, we’re glad you’re here.